De HOPtimist
De HOPtimist
Rijselstraat 60
Sint-Michiels 8200
('t Zand and around)
Sint-Michiels 8200
('t Zand and around)
0479 25 35 96
Serious beer café in Sint-Michaels.
Jezza says
About 1km SW of Brugge station you will find two very good beer cafes about 50m apart. Both are well worth a visit, but De HOPtimist really is excellent. A cosy brown interior leads to another lovely garden with lots of space. The list is around 200 and includes lots of excellent choices, and some vintage beers too. This is a really seriously good, classic brown café and is well worth the short trek out beyond the station. NB: a third cafe, Tafel en Toog van Xaverius, is about 10 minutes' walk away, making an excellent trio of good beer cafes in this part of town.
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