Bourgogne des Flandres

Image of Bourgogne des Flandres

 Full menu WiFi available Closed Monday Open 11am or earlier Brewery tasting room, may have limited hours.

Kartuizerinnenstraat 6
Brugge 8000
(Markt, Burg and around)

 050 33 54 26

Open from 10.30am-6.30pm Tue to Sun. Closed Mon.

Keg Taps: c.8
Bottles/Cans: c.10

Nearest bus line: 1, 2, 4, 6, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 91



Central Brugge brewery tap.

Jezza says

Close to the site of the historic Den Os brewery, which closed in 1957, this new in 2016 brewery is just off Wollestraat, two minutes south of the Markt. A base beer is brewed in the loft – brewery visits are available – and blended with Timmermans Lambic to form a rather good Flemish red ale. There are occasional specials brewed on site, plus other drafts from the same group of breweries, along with some bottles, all served in the very smart tasting room overlooking the canal. There’s a lovely terrace out the back, right on the canal. The food menu includes mainly snacks and couple of mains.

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