Brugge Bier Museum

Image of Brugge Bier Museum

 Open 11am or earlier

Briedelstraat 3
Brugge 8000
(Markt, Burg and around)

Open from 10-6.30 daily.

Keg Taps: 16
Bottles/Cans: c.20

Nearest bus line: 2, 3, 4, 13, 14, 88, 90, 91



Museum bar with great views over the Markt.

Jezza says

The museum gets good reviews, but we quite like the bar, which is worth a visit in its own right. You can skip the museum and pay no entrance fee, simply going directly in to the bar. It's a showcase for various breweries in the Swinkels group, so the range usually includes beers from La Trappe, Rodenbach, Palm, Het Uiltje and Boon. Given its location between Markt and Burg, you will almost certainly be passing close by.

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